My not favorite series
I don't think I have a favorite series or movie. I have a hard time deciding when I'm asked to choose something, you may have noticed it in the other two blogs haha.
To tell something, I'll tell you a series that I find leaves a lot to think about. I think it's very complete, as it deals with various complex issues. He talks about the poverty in which countries of the African continent are submerged, he tells about the problems of the LGBT world, about gender violence and political problems. The series I'm talking about is called Sense8.
The series basically tells the story of eight strangers from different countries, cultures, races and sexual orientations. Although they have never met in person, they are mentally and emotionally connected. With this connection they are able to communicate, to feel. Knowledge, such as language, martial arts and other skills can be transferred. It is not the most important part of the series, but it is explored through their lives and sexualities, with emphasis on their different cultures.
There are three characters that I like the most: Sun, a Korean woman who does kickboxing, who has to deal with gender issues during the plot. Another character is Nomi, a lesbian transsexual who has to face family and political problems because of her sexual and gender orientation. And finally, Amanita who is Nomi's girlfriend.
The series has two seasons with 12 chapters each. I've only seen it once, but I recommend it whenever I'm asked about a series.

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